Pore Cleansing Pack

要徹底清除黑頭,又不會撐大毛孔,最有效的方法就是「溶解」!「黑頭潔淨軟膜」以溶解、吸住、潔淨3個步驟,深入清透毛孔,不留殘漬,黑頭從此No Return!

Benefit : The easy to apply soft clay texture penetrates deep into the pores, softening clogged blackheads, removing oil and impurities. Use just water to cleanse deep within your skin, inhibiting blackhead formation to leaving your pores clear of contaminants.
Size : 8 sachets
Ingredient :
How to Use : Wash and dry your face. Spread a packet of soft mask over areas with large pores and excess oil secretion. Completely cover pores with mask until they are concealed. After 5 minutes, when the mask is slightly dried, wash off with lukewarm water and apply skincare as usual. Each packet is for single use only.
Apply 3 times a week depending on oil secretion and skin condition.